John Mbwambo Mtae has been working as a self-employed shoemaker for several years after training at Tannerier College in the Kilimanjaro region. T
he loan from KAZI will enable him to purchase all the necessary equipment and raw materials to secure stock to respond quickly and efficiently to customer demand, as well as to partially renovate his shop and production site.
• Loan of Tshs 2,000,000 (about CHF 850) with repayment scheduled over 24 months.
✓ Transformation and creation of added value on the leather produced in Tanzania.
✓ Direct (its shop and production site) and indirect (purchase of regional leather production) creation of economic activity and employment in Tanzania.
✓ Local production of shoes, accessories and clothing thus reducing imports of these products while maintaining of local handcrafting expertise.
✓ Successful launch of the project and regular repayments since the end of 2022.